Author: The Administrator

What Happens When Google Disagrees With You?

France: A Decomposing Civilization

Amid a Saudi Purge, Women Face the Test of a Lifetime

The Real Reason Trump Is So Cozy With Saudi Arabia

China’s Return to Strongman Rule: The Meaning of Xi Jinping’s Power Grab

The Islamic State’s Foreign Fighters Are Coming Home

Maybe Time Management Isn’t So Great After All

Why is everyone so busy? Time poverty is a problem partly of perception and partly of distribution

The Bolsheviks in Beijing: What the Chinese Communist Party Learned From Lenin

David Brooks on Character in the Selfie Age

Exploiting Social Media & Manipulating the News

This is George Soros, the Man Funding Global Left-Wing Activism

Man-Made Climate Catastrophe Is a Myth, More Studies Confirm

The United States of Weinstein: Complicity, Greed and Corruption Is the Status Quo

Multiculturalism Exposed: Are Some Cultures Better than Others?

Ayaan Hirsi Ali on the West, Dawa, and Islam

The Silencing of Dissent by The Ruling Elite and the Central State Apparatus in Europe, U.S. and the West

Switzerland: The Hills are Alive with the Sound of Jihad

How Globalists Use Leftists To Exploit Conservatives

What Kills Inequality: Redistribution’s Violent History

The decline from democracy to tyranny is both a natural and inevitable one.

How to Brainwash a Nation