Month: June 2019


Tyranny and the Orwellian Nightmare in China

CENSORSHIP: Google Executive Admits Election Meddling to Prevent Trump Winning in 2020

Brave New World: Aldous Huxley Predicted our Dystopian Society and the Surveillance State

Social Rot of VICTIMHOOD and Microaggression Culture

Revenge of the Right: Why Break Up YouTube, Google and Facebook

China’s Rise and the Future of Global Politics: A World Safe for Autocracy?

How to Disappear: Is it possible to move through a smart city undetected?

The troubling legacy of Martin Luther King: Shocking Reality vs. Established Myth

The Omnipresent Surveillance State: In Today’s America, Orwell’s 1984 Is No Longer Fiction

Education becomes Indoctrination: How The Delusion of Diversity Destroys Our Common Humanity

A Dark Rainbow Hangs Over the West

The Architects of Western Decline: A Critical Study of the Frankfurt School

Is the Future Populism? Trump, Brexit and Immigration

Why Venezuela’s Regime Hasn’t Collapsed

Big Tech Still Has A Totalitarianism Problem

Will the “Little Red App” Destroy Democracy?

Far-Left Fake News CNN Suffers Double Digit Primetime Ratings Crash