Ed Calderon spent 12 years policing the most violent Mexican drug cartels. Prager Univesity CEO Marissa Streit questions him about his experience in Mexico, his concern over America’s open borders, and how America’s enemies are working with criminal organizations to destabilize the United States. Ed says there is a moral obligation to warn America’s citizens of imminent danger.
Shortly after the 25 minute mark they are discussing the coordination of, essentially, the attack on the US and who’s involved and how it works – then she refers to her “repetitive question” of why isn’t the US government making the border secure since our politicians have to be aware of all the things they are discussing here. She wonders and he confirms that they’ve hit a wall where designating the cartels as terrorists would allow the government to act against them – but doing so would automatically designate the Mexican government as backers of terrorism because the cartels so thoroughly influence the politicians. My question is – couldn’t the US also designate the Mexican government as captive to the cartels – recognizing that some of them may (or are) committing acts that look like backing terrorism but allowing, pending investigation, that they may be acting under duress and have some protection under the law? Couldn’t the US both go after the cartels AND allow that once the cartels are destroyed and the politicians are free to do as they will – they may not be threats?