Month: November 2018

Global Warming Report in the U.S. – Fake Science Again Serves Far-Left Political Agenda

Harvard University Study Reveals Astonishing Link Between Firearms, Crime and Gun Control

America’s Permanent-War Complex

Blockchain will survive a cryptocurrency apocalypse

China’s Terrifying Social Credit System

Are The American and UK “Deep State” Actors About to Be Exposed?

The Irrefutable Case For Fossil Fuels

Mark Levin speaks to Victor Davis Hanson: An intellectual analysis of America’s Culture and Political Wars

America’s Progressive Synopticon: The Left’s Relentless Tyranny in the Culture Wars

Exposing China’s Digital Dystopian Dictatorship

When China Rules the Web: Technological Tyranny in Service of the State

Fake Capitalism: The U.S.A. No Longer Has Real Capitalism

Macron vs. Nationalism: The Foolishness of Western Masochism

China’s Rise (and America’s Fall) Just Won’t Happen.

Europe’s Crisis of Survival

Does Diversity Really Unite America? The Truth About Citizenship and Immigration

The Tax Dictatorship of the modern West and how it parallels Ancient Rome

Libertarianism: The radical notion that other people are not your property

The Tyranny of Progressive Elites: Everywhere We Look, Elites Demonize, Delegitimize, and Censor Ordinary People