Month: October 2018

The Prophets of Cryptocurrency Survey the Boom and Bust

The Canadian Mind: A Culture So Open, Its ‘Brains Fall Out’

A Story of Sexual Manipulation: Victimhood as a license to perpetual childhood

Global-Warming Alarmism: Ideology Triumphs Over Science

Is the U.S.A. becoming a Police State?

Sleep: how much do we really need?

Stop Obsessing About China: Why Beijing Will Not Imperil U.S. Hegemony

The Forgotten History of the Financial Crisis: What the World Should Have Learned in 2008

The American Deep State: Top Dogs Rule

How Russia and China Undermine Democracy: Can the West Counter the Threat?

The End of the Jewish World as We Know It

Artificial Intelligence Will Change the World: The Coming Competition Between Digital Authoritarianism and Liberal Democracy

The Cycle of Freedom – From Bondage to Liberty (and back again)

Taiwan Can Win a War With China