There are many “suspects” implicated in the dying of Hollywood… including Leftist/Woke activists posing as film industry personnel. This documentary presentation by Patrick (H) Willems presents some of the suspects… not all, but some. TV has always been seen as a threat to cinema. Movies started introducing gimmicks like cinemascope and 3D to counter that threat even back in the 50s and 60s. Hollywood started to sputter when the Golden Age of Television kicked off. In more modern times, one could buy/rent backorders of DVDs to catch up on episodes one missed. Then streaming turbo-charged this dynamic by allowing everyone to catch up on old episodes. This allowed television to be way way more serialized than before. Not only across seasons but across the length of the series itself. This expanded the capacity of what characters, environments, and plots could be fleshed out. Why watch 2-3 hrs with these characters and stories when one can watch 13 hrs of it? Now streaming services allowed content (sex, violence, nudity) that usually could only be seen on the premium channels (HBO, Cinemax, Showtime, Starz) or in actual movies, to be streamed directly to your home (along with stations like AMC and FX pushing the boundaries of profanity and violence on basic cable). You don’t need to go to a movie to get the content from a movie anymore. And nowadays, media like video games, YouTube, and TikTok might be bigger threats to cinema than TV/streaming are.